
Vol-3  Issue-5  September  2016

3) Applications and Assessment of Quality Management in Construction Projects

Hesham Abdel Khalek , Remon F. Aziz , Esraa A. Sharabash

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4) Modeling of Crime Pattern in Anaocha L.G.A, Anambra State, Nigeria Using GIS Approach

Ojiako, J.C. , Okafor, C. K. , Igbokwe, E.C. , Enedah, I.C.

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No. of Downloads: 6 | No. of Views: 842

8) A Literature Inspection on Big Data Analytics

Dr.E.Laxmi Lydia, , M. Vijay Laxmi, Dr. M.Ben Swarup

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No. of Downloads: 9 | No. of Views: 963

9) Implementing K-Means for Achievement Study between Apache Spark and Map Reduce

Dr.E.Laxmi Lydia, Dr.A.Krishna Mohan, Dr. M.Ben Swarup

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No. of Downloads: 7 | No. of Views: 747

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