International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2021, Volume: 8, Issue: 5
First page : ( 31) Last page : ( 37)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
DOI: 10.21276/ijirem.2021.8.5.7 | DOI URL:
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Vijayalekshmi C. , Prof. Dr. S. D. Sharma, Amit Singh
The health care industry is the world's biggest industry and is going through a fast change to meet the consistently expanding requirements and requests of the patient populace. Hospitals that are dynamic, developing situated, and which endure are the ones that give need the nature of administrations given. Corporate hospitals are attempting to draw in clients by offering esteem-added administrations. Then again, increasingly corporate and trust hospitals are entering the market, further expanding the opposition. Hospitals need to plan and once again plan their promoting techniques for giving a quality health care and guaranteeing their endurance. Researchers have focused on patient-centric aspects of the quality of healthcare in Private hospitals. Patient satisfaction, Safety, Effectiveness Efficiency, Equitable, and Timeline Ness are the aspects that were studied in the present research. The results show that despite different negative news on media, people feel that private hospitals are providing quality health care services. People seem satisfied with the services of private hospitals.
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Research Scholar, Department of Commerce & Management, Sai Nath University, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
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