Volume- 2
Issue- 5
Year- 2015
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Jae-Sam Park , Sang-Heon Lee , Moon-Kyu Lee , Ill-Soo Kim
A structural decentralised control of discrete-event system (DES) is employed for a simulation study of a sequence control of cleaning-in-process of chemical batch plant. Due to the number of states of the whole plant model is too big, the whole plant has subdivided into smaller sizes and in the local level, the DES models for the local plant and local specifications are established. The conditions developed for the structural decentralised DES are verified to ensure the concurrent operations of decentralised control will guarantee the global optimality for the whole plant. Since the conditions are structure-dependent (not specificationdependent like other approaches of decentralised DES), the verification needs to be done only once, and then the all future operations in the same plant will guarantee the global optimality. The simulation study demonstrate the practicability of the approach with computational savings.
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Department of Electronics Engineering, Incheon National University, 119 Academy Road, Songdodong, Yeonsugu, Incheon, Korea,
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