Volume- 3
Issue- 4
Year- 2016
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Aradhana Rai , Sudhir Kumar Sharma , V. D. Shivling
Pest attack and plant diseases are the major cause of the economic losses faced by farmers. Pest management is the fruitful method to control pests. Due to lack of knowledge in farmers, the excessive use of the harmful chemicals in their crop makes the soil infertile degrading the quality of soil as well as causing a great threat to the agro ecosystem. The prime objective of this paper work is an early forecasting of disease. Potato is one of the world’s most produced and consumed crop. Thus, an early warning system is developed to forecast a disease in potato, named Late Blight, which is caused by the fungus Phytophthora Infestans. For the forecast, necessary environmental parameter which affects the growth of fungus was studied and those parameters are temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide concentration. Sensors were interfaced with the Arduino comprising of AT mega 328 microcontroller and the severity index has been calculated with the help of the standard equation of Beta Regression Model.
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Electronics and Communication, Jaipur National University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India,
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