Volume- 2
Issue- 4
Year- 2015
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Vinay Pushparaj , Ravishankar Holla
This system is designed to capture data communicated between the CAN (Controlled Area Network) controlled devices in the rotating Gantry of a CT machine, which are real time sliced using Real Time Clock (RTC) and stored in a log files and send it to the remote PC in a wireless connectivity. Since system placed in gantry which will be on rotating motion, it is powered by battery and working autonomously. Status of operation of the system is immediately displayed on the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Users can place this module for systems which are in motion or stationary and need to monitor the data wirelessly. Furthermore this system can be embedded into any machine, turn it ON whenever wanted and read the data communicated between the CAN Bus controlled devices. This system is accurate, stable without number lost, frame dropping, transfer error and transfer error in the data communication and monitor remotely in Wi-Fi connected PC.
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Pursuing Masters’ degree in VLSI and Embedded system, Electronics and Communication Department, R V College of Engineering Bengaluru, Karnataka, India,
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