Volume- 7
Issue- 1
Year- 2020
DOI: 10.21276/ijirem.2020.7.1.1 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.21276/ijirem.2020.7.1.1
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Valmir BAME , Lulezim HANELLI
A new numerical method is proposed for the solution of 1-D initial-boundary value wave problem with non-classical boundary conditions. It combines the finite difference method with that of characteristics. The second method operates near the boundary of integration domain and it implements accurately the non-classical boundary conditions. Meantime, the difference method operates efficiently and accurately in the interior of the domain. The key element is the achieving of a satisfying balance between accuracy and efficiency. The method is implemented and tested in Matlab.
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Department of Mathematics, University "Aleksander Moisiu", Durres, Albania, valmirbame@gmail.com
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