International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2021, Volume: 8, Issue: 5
First page : ( 68) Last page : ( 72)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
Harshit Sharma , Dr Shantanu Kumar Srivastava
Unrecognised potential and unexplored resources will lead to poverty and failure of any government. ODOP has given an opportunity to businesses to grow and get worldwide recognition. Present research is an attempt to view the ODOP scheme with administration perspective. The research will try to explain that how administration can contribute to a government scheme and will help in the success of OPDP. on formal organisational structure and the basic management process pioneered a broader approach to organisation. This body of knowledge has been labelled as 'administrative management theory' by March and Simon. This is also referred to as the Mechanical theory, Classical theory, or Structural theory. Henri Fayol, Luther Gulick, L.F. Urwick, J.D. Mooney, A.C. Reiley, M.P. Follet, and R. Shelton were among the most prominent proponents of this theory. These authors contend that administration is administration regardless of the type of work done or the context in which it is done. The formulation of certain universal organisational principles is the theory's primary concern. The researcher has found that these years old administrative theories still hold the validity and significant in modern context.
Research Scholar, Department of Management, Sai Nath University, Ranchi, India
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