Volume- 2
Issue- 5
Year- 2015
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Trieu, Hang Thi , Han, Dongyeob, Nguyen, Truong Linh
The objective of this paper is to simulate the dynamic behavior of a structure using digital close-range photogrammetry by a stereocamera system and a single-camera system. An inexpensive stereo-camera system recorded a vibrating structure with multiple marked-target points, and then the displacements in spatial coordinates of the target points were computed via spaceintersection theory. A less than 1.0 mm error of 3D coordinates calculation was obtained from the stereo-camera system of the proposed method. The six degrees of freedom (6-DOF)-based dynamic motion of the structure could then be systematically attained by an absolute orientation of set points on the vibrating rigid structure. The motion of the structure was also simulated using a single camera or stereo system in the same experiment. The method using a single camera was based on a space-resection algorithm with a suitable camera position and object size, and ended with an inverse resection to 6-DOF of the structure. By applying the proposed methods, an experiment was successfully performed to monitor the motion of a vibrating structure.
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Dept. of Civil and Environmental Eng., Chonnam National University, Yeosu, South Korea,
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