Volume- 2
Issue- 5
Year- 2015
Ricardo Batista Penteado , Délio Guerra Filho , Rubia Fernanda Toledo de Oliveira , Messias Borges Silva
One of the most usable treatments for the dairy wastewater is the chemical type, because of theamount of organic matter present and easily biodegradable.This work has an objective to verify the degradability of wastewater in a dairy industry and to test an alternative for its treatment through the advanced oxidative process (AOP).The sample of the wastewater, presented some organic load from 2200 to 5500 mg L-1 and theapplied process was the treatment with UV/H2O2 ,where was studied the variables of the photochemical process, such as: the pH, the temperature, the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide and the UV irradiation. A factorial design proposed by Taguchi L16 was decisive to get a result. In this process, the variable responses were the removal of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and turbidity. Up to here point, the experiments were carried out and were observed in the oxidative process the low pH had an important role. Considering the variable pH, the average of the reduction percentage when pH is equal 5 is 45,03%, while that for the pH is equal 10 the average was 8,32%. The maximum reduction of turbidity was 99,1%, while that in, the highest value for the percentage of COD reduction was 71,96%, both for the condition where pH is 5.
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Production Engineering Department, Univ. Estadual Paulista/UNESP, Guaratinguetá, Brazil,
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