Volume- 8
Issue- 2
Year- 2021
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Richa Singh , Dr Rashmi Singh
Indian society is an agglomeration of diverse cultures. There are numerous castes, tribes and ethnic and religious groups. “It is, therefore, Indian society is called a multicultural society. Every group has is own cultural specialty” (Linton 1936). We find caster cultural, tribal cultural, linguistic cultural, ethnic cultures and regional cultures etc. Every religious group has its own historical tradition and custom. Interestingly, among the Muslim, religion regulates the sacred and the secular practices. The Muslim, by and large, accepts their religion as unalterable and resists any major innovation. While discussion the “Modernization of Indian Tradition” points out that Islamic tradition is exogenous source of charge of Indian tradition but it has become a part of Indian tradition and has greatly influence the revolution and the growth of Indian tradition in medieval times. The contract of India with Islam is one thousand years old. It started with Arab conquest of the Sind in the beginning of the eighth century.
Research Scholar, Glocal School of Education, Glocal University, Saharanpur, India
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