Volume- 3
Issue- 2
Year- 2016
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Bahadır AKBAL
The sheath current effects are major problems for electrical network and facilities. The sheath voltage is increased by the sheath current. Thus the sheath voltage exceeds touch voltage, and electroshock risks and cable faults occur. Also, cable temperature is increased by the sheath current, so cable ampacity reduces. In literature, single-point bonding, solid bonding and cross bonding are used to reduce sheath voltage and current. However, if the unbalanced phase current is high, the sheath voltage is not dropped under touch voltage by using these bonding methods. Therefore, sectional solid bonding method is developed to solve this problem in this study. When sectional solid bonding is used to reduce the sheath voltage and current, the sheath voltage drops under touch voltage although unbalanced phase current is high. Also, optimum parameters for sectional solid bonding are determined by differential evolution algorithm.
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Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey,
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