Volume- 7
Issue- 6
Year- 2020
DOI: 10.21276/ijirem.2020.7.6.1 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.21276/ijirem.2020.7.6.1 Crossref
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Joyjit Ghosh , Md. Zulfikar Hasan, Amit Chakrabortty
Nowadays Sustainability is one of the major concerning issues in the Garments Industry of Bangladesh. As the garment industry of Bangladesh is rising, both buyers and manufacturers are now more aware than ever before about the welfare and worker friendly environment in the garments. The purpose of the study is to find out the significance level along with the respective barriers of sustainability at the blue collar workers’ level in Bangladeshi Garments industry. In this purpose, a semi-structured questionnaire was used to interview the respondents as well as to collect the data. The statistical analysis of the collected data was done by SPSS software and the data were also used to find out the barriers related to each aspect. The analysis depicted economic aspect as the most significant predictor, whereas environmental-economic aspect was portrayed as the least significant one. The findings of this project will be very helpful for the garment industry owners to realize the significance of different sustainability aspects as well as to convert the related barriers into success factors.
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Department of Textile Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh joyjit.te@aust.edu
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