International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2022, Volume: 9, Issue: 4
First page : ( 54) Last page : ( 58)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
DOI: 10.55524/ijirem.2022.9.4.9 |
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Waqar Ahmed , Er. Rabinder Singh, Insha Kouser
Our study intends to explore the flexural and split tensile strength, light weight, higher impact and toughness resistance which means prolonged and better resistance to formation of cracks, upgraded ductility, etc most effective use of the waste tyre rubber as a constituent of concrete mix replacing the coarse aggregate partially. In this research work, emphasis is given on the pre-treating of the rubber particles and then using them as the partial replacement of the conventional rock aggregates. To get the best results, the rubber aggregates used are surface treated by sodium hydroxide and cement paste before using them in the concrete.M20 grade concrete is used. Using untreated rubber aggregates, the compressive strength of the resultant concrete reduced rapidly, but when treated rubber aggregates were introduced, it resulted in the regaining of more than 90% of the 28 day compressive strength of normal concrete which can be considered quite satisfactory considering the easy and cheap availability of the used tyres and the negative impacts it can have on the environment if left unused. This much compressive strength is enough for treated-rubberized concrete for its use in different areas where compressive strength is not much important like in floors and concrete road pavements. Flexural and split tensile strength is found to be higher than that of the normal concrete but only when treatment is given to the rubber aggregates before using them. Workability is decreased. Flexibility gets increased and due to the lower unit weight of the rubber particles, it is also lighter than the normal concrete.
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M.Tech Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, Desh Bhagat University, Fatehgarh Saheb, Punjab, India
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