Volume- 3
Issue- 3
Year- 2016
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In Nigeria, access to electricity is a critical issue. The present study has analysed the condition under which micro grid turbine MGT electrification would become technically, socially and economically viable. This research topic on power improvement system (micro grid wind turbine) is modeled to investigate into providing a free standing tower design accommodating up and down wind as a design solution to inadequate energy supply through renewable energy source like wind in Nigeria. It is a device that converts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy when wind strikes the blade; the mechanical energy is then converted into electrical energy to produce electricity. The design houses interconnected electronics system that enhances the availability of power and power quality with storage management. This model is the conventional horizontal axis turbine having three basic components namely; the blade for intercepting wind energy to low speed rotational energy, the generator component which is the D.C generator, structural support which is the tower, battery with charger to stabilize battery level and back-up in absence of wind. An inverter is used for A.C stable voltage conversion. The parameter of blade model was simulated with the measured site wind speed of Oyedepo (2012) using the spread sheet of 3 key software power plants. The result shows that at 10.7mls (24mph) speed, 1062W at 15m tower height was realized. This confirms the design for this project to improve domestic energy supply. This will offer employment and financial benefit to producers and its users.
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Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering Faculty of Engineering Chukwuemeka Odimegwu Ojukwu University Anambra State, Nigeria
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