Volume- 9
Issue- 4
Year- 2022
DOI: 10.55524/ijirem.2022.9.4.34 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.55524/ijirem.2022.9.4.34 Crossref
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G V K Murthy , K SowjanKumar, B.Nagaraju, K. Naresh
In this paper, a multi-input DC-DC converter is proposed and studied for hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). Compared to conventional works, the output gain is enhanced. Fuel cell (FC), photovoltaic (PV) panel and energy storage system (ESS) are the input sources for proposed converter. The FC is considered as the main power supply and roof-top PV is employed to charge the battery, increase the efficiency and reduce fuel economy. The converter has the capability of providing the demanded power by load in absence of one or two resources. Moreover, power management strategy is described and applied in control method. A prototype of the converter is also implemented and tested to verify the analysis.
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Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PACE Institute of Technology and Sciences, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh, India
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