Zooplanktons Density of Rapti River at Nepal in Different Seasons
Bhesh Raj Chaudari , Arun Kumar , S. K. Shukla
The present study carried out observe zooplankton diversity, density and distribution the Rapti River in different seasons. It is found in the present study that Zooplankton species distribution shows big spatio temporal variations due to the different hydrographical factors on individual species. Consequently, the summer period must be considered as the most important season for pelagic secondary production in the Skagerrak. Thus, the traditional belief that the spring bloom represents the most important season for fuelling higher trophic levels such as fish should be reconsidered.
Pond Zooplanktons, Density, River, Water
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Cites this article as
B. R. C. , A. K. , S. K. S. ,
"Zooplanktons Density of Rapti River at Nepal in Different Seasons", International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM), Vol-8, Issue-5, Page No-45-46, 2021. Available from:
Corresponding Author
Bhesh Raj Chaudari
Glocal School of Allied and Health Sciences Glocal University, Saharanpur Uttar Pradesh, India (bheshrajchaudhary@gmail.com)