Volume- 11
Issue- 5
Year- 2024
DOI: 10.55524/ijirem.2024.11.5.8 | DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.55524/ijirem.2024.11.5.8 Crossref
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Billy Jhones Camerling , Agustinus Tupamahu, Richard Benny Luhulima, Welem Waileruny
An important aspect of trimaran ship research is to obtain an optimal model through the analysis of resistance and power requirements. Trimaran ships have the advantage of a wide deck surface and crew members can move freely. In this study, the monohull and trimaran ships were calculated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. This study explores the optimal model for a fishing boat trimaran with a smaller power requirement than that of monohulls. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach was used to calculate the resistance and power requirements of the ship. The resistance of the trimaran hull affects the performance of the ship, and the selection of the right hull minimises its interaction with the fluid. The study found that trimarans with S/L = 0.2 and 0.3 reduced the resistance by 33.42% and 68.94%, respectively. This study aims to improve the performance and catch efficiency of the traditional Indonesian fishing industry by selecting an appropriate trimaran hull. The selection of an appropriate trimaran hull can optimally affect the performance of a ship and result in abundant catches.
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Associate Professor, Naval Architechture, Universitas Pattimu, Ambon, Indonesia
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Hyun Chan Lee.
January 2017 - Vol 4, Issue 1