Volume- 2
Issue- 5
Year- 2015
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Linlin Zan , Duyang Lin , Guoxing He
The optimal spectra of two-phosphor-coated white light-emitting diodes with correlated color temperatures (CCTs) of 2700 K to 6500 K have been obtained by nonlinear program for maximizing luminous efficacy of radiation (LER) under different conditions of color rendering indices (CRIs), color quality scale (CQS), and special CRIs of R9 for strong red, The simulation results show that the two-phosphor-coated LEDs consisting of the InGaN blue chip, traditional yellow/green phosphors and red-emitting QDs could realize white lights with LER  337 lm/W for CRI  90 and CQS  80, LER  315 lm/W for CRI  97, CQS  94 and R9  94 at CCTs of 2700 K to 6500 K. The changes of LER, CRI, CCT, and chromaticity difference (ï„uv) have been observed to be associated with the shifts of peak wavelength (ï¬p) and full width at half-maximum (FWHM) affected by LED operating temperatures. Furthermore, a solution of warm-white LED, which is consists of the InGaN blue chip (ï¬B = 459 nm and FWHMB = 30 nm), traditional yellow/green phosphors (ï¬Y/G = 552 nm and FWHMY/G = 50 nm) and red-emitting QDs (ï¬R = 621 nm and FWHMR = 19 nm) with LER = 379 lm/W, CRI = 90, CQS = 86 and R9 = 88 at CCT = 2700 K, is recommended in order to achieve warm-white light with high photometric and colorimetric performance.
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Postgraduate Department of Apply Physics, Donghua University, Shanghai, China,
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Msc. Erjon Selmani , Prof. As. Dr. Arian Bisha .
January 2016 - Vol 3, Issue 1