Volume- 2
Issue- 5
Year- 2015
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Preeda Pillai , Prof. Sunil Padole
Solid waste disposal has created a serious problem all over the world. The solution for this problem is to make use of waste for production of biogas. The biogas so produced could be suitably utilized in the surrounding areas for various applications. The paper focuses with an aim of production of biogas with an efficient compact floating dome design and to do testing on Compression Ignition engine. As the biogas cannot be used directly so my concern is also to invent new method to purify the natural biogas and that is design of scrubber. For effective mixing of biogas and air the air mixture kit is also designed. This study will definitely help in improving the efficiency and emission control of dual fuel diesel engine. This paper reviews the perspectives of biomass production by an anaerobic digestion of agricultural waste, cow dung, food waste, municipal solid waste, etc. and comparative study on emission of diesel engine running on diesel and on dual fuel mode. Also found out different technical parameter in each case of two different modes.
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Mechanical Engineering Department, RIT College, Indore Madhya Pradesh, India
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