Volume- 3
Issue- 3
Year- 2016
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Mausumidey , Dr. AnamikaAhirwar
Data mining is beneath the attack of privacy promoters due to confusion regarding what it really is and a accurate concern related how it’s normally done. This paper presents how techniques from the community of security can modify data mining for its betterment, allowing all its advantages as it still maintaining its privacy.Large Volumes of precise personal data is regularly gathered and observed by various kinds of applications by the use of data mining, analyzing those data is profitable to the users of the application. It is a significant asset to users of the application such as governments for taking effective decisions or business organizations. But analyzing those data enables treats to the privacy if properly not done. This task targeted to disclose the information by preventing sensitive data. Different methods consisting kanonymity, randomization and data hiding have been proposed for the same.
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Dept. Of Computer Science & Engineering, MaharanaPratap College of Technology, Gwalior,India deymausumi4@gmai
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