International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2020, Volume: 7, Issue: 4
First page : ( 54) Last page : ( 57)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
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V. Indrani , D. Swaroopa , D.Deepthisri
Microservices is a collection of small individual services of a single functional module or an application. Microservices address the challenges in monolithic and provides best services like loosely coupled, independently deployed, highly maintainability and testable, owned by small teams. It had address the challenges in monolithic but has to address the challenges with the own like deployment complexity, distributed network complexity. One of the challenges of Microservices is Deployment complexity which has to consider various parameters load balancing, virtual networks, memory storage, firewalls and auto scaling. In order to scale the client and microservices independent of each other load balancing is used. Load of microservices can be handled with the help of load balancing, security and remains available. Load balancing is defined as to efficiently distribute network traffic and computing properties across a group of backend servers. A load balancer performs the following functions like Distributes client requests and network load efficiently across multiple servers.
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Department of CSE, JNTUH/Vignan Institute of Management and Technology for Women, Hyderabad, INDIA,
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