International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management
Year: 2015, Volume: 2, Issue: 5
First page : ( 61) Last page : ( 64)
Online ISSN : 2350-0557.
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Sham Sul Kamal Wan Fakeh , Adnan Jamaludin, ZahariMohd Amin, Juwahir Ali,Ahmad, Soufien Othman, Yanti , Shah Alam, RahayuRambli, Zaharudin Ibrahim, NorZainaZaharah, A’dillah Mustafa, MohdRidzuan Ibrahim
Increasing number of organization have set up material on their online or portal as a way of providing users with information about their products or services. The development in electronic information resources and the evolution of digital age there are bring many advantages and disadvantages for its users of other people. Since one of the main duties of the internet as a communication channel is how to manage service quality, which holds a significant importance to customer satisfaction, the purpose of this study is to is to investigate and evaluate on the user satisfaction by online travel services among travel agents. On the other hand, the primary purpose for measuring end-user computing satisfaction is to predict certain behaviors and thus the measurement of end-user computing satisfaction should be somehow more closely tied to attitude-behavior theory. The effective and efficiency of this website whether the availability of this online travelservice give more effectiveness or other bad consequences to its users. As a result, because of these kinds of significance of study, a research is conducted for discovering on those significances.
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Faculty of Information Management, University Technology MARA (UiTM), MALAYSIA
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Sham Sul Kamal Wan Fakeh, Julina Tajul Ariffin, Zaharudin Ibrahim, Zahari Mohd Amin, Wan Abdul Malik, Mohd Jailani Paiman, A’dillah Mustafa, Mohd Ridzuan Ibrahim, Yanti Rahayu Rambli, Juwahir Ali.
July 2016 - Vol 3, Issue 4