Volume- 2
Issue- 3
Year- 2015
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Pallavi Patil
MOBILE Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are wireless networks which are characterized by dynamic topologies and have no fixed infrastructure. Each node in a MANET is a computer that may be required to act as both a host and a router and may be required to forward packets between nodes which cannot directly communicate with one another. Generally in ad hoc networks each and every node acts as a router and forwards packets to the destination. Due to mobility of nodes there is possibility of some nodes being bad neighbors. When a neighbor node turns out to be a bad neighbor, it could lead to loss of data packets, degradation in performance of node mobility, degradation of performance of routing protocol, difficulty in maintaining routes and degraded performance of the network. These potentially cause delay in transmitting the data and may result in congestion in the network. Good Neighborhood Node Detection Algorithms (GNDA) helps us find the best route for the destination. However, they are not able to minimize delay in case of route failure. The dynamically changing nature of nodes makes it difficult to maintain a consistent route. Nodes in the network dynamically set up paths among themselves to transmit packets temporarily. In Adhoc networks, nodes typically cooperate with each other, by forwarding packets for nodes which are not in the communication range of the source node. Nodes may be affected by dynamically changing topology, limited bandwidth, hidden terminals, transmission errors and battery constraints. As such detection of a good neighbor node is a necessity. In order to achieve this in this paper a new routing protocol called Quality of Service Good Neighborhood Node Detection Algorithms (QOS-GNDA) is proposed. This protocol finds a good neighbor node using parameters like Transmission range, Power of node, Signal strength, Capacity of node for packet forwarding and Relative position of node.
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Department of Computer Engineering Pillai’s College of Engineering and Technology, Mumbai University, India Pallavimahesh02@gmail.com
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