Volume- 5
Issue- 3
Year- 2018
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S.Veena CSE, , J.Kavvya CSE , R.SarikaYadav CSE
Artificial Cognition refers to the simulation of Human Intelligence in Computers or Robots. Robots are known as artificial agents, which has diverse capacities of perception and action in the physical world. The use of Robots can be generalized in factories but in the recent years, the robots are mostly found in the technologically societies like military battle, search and rescue, mine and bomb detection, scientific exploration, medical care and entertainment. Human-Robot Interaction provides a powerful and dynamic interaction, which can work with partially unknown environments that were not only designed for robotic tasks but also involves social interaction with humans. This paper discusses about the various abilities and aspect of robot in human interaction. In this paper, the measurement tools namely Distributed Camera System and Wizards-of-Oz were discussed for a room observation application and also two analysis tools namely SAMA+ANVIL and MOVE-IT tool were also illustrated for the same application to analyze the collected video streams and to provide a multi view analysis of human and humanoid interaction.
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S.A.Engineering College, Chennai, India, veenas@saec.ac.in
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